Victoria Richardson is an accomplished author and poet who has written poetry volumes, journals, and short story collections. Her latest published work, The Butterfly Effect, is highly anticipated by her fans. Born and raised in Jackson, Alabama, Victoria discovered her love for writing at a young age and has been honing her craft ever since. She holds an associate degree in business technology and has pursued her passion for writing alongside her professional career. When she is not writing, Victoria enjoys reading and traveling, both of which inspire her creative work. Her unique voice and perspective have earned her a devoted following, and she continues to captivate readers with her thoughtful and introspective writing.

1) First, I want to thank you for taking the time to do this interview with me! When did you know that writing is what you were called to do? What is it about being a writer that you love the most? What about being a writer frustrates you the most?

I really appreciate this opportunity. A delight it is! I’ve always enjoyed writing; as a child, I created stories and composed skits. Every time I pick up a pen and put it to paper, there is a big surge of enthusiasm released, and I enjoy the thrill that writing offers me. I adore how writing allows me to feel free to express myself in a variety of ways. Having writers block or knowing what you want to write about but struggling to come up with a strong opening line is what aggravates me the most when it comes to writing.

2) Can you tell us a little about your book(s) and where our readers can find out more about them and you?

The Butterfly Effect is the title of my most recent book to be released. A painful breakup and adjusting to life after trauma are two topics covered in the collection of poems called The Butterfly Effect. It teaches us to recognize the erratic character of life, to be aware of our starting points, to choose the best motivators to reach our objectives, and to continuously change our predictions.

You can check out my writer’s portfolio

You can find my journals on just type in Victoria Richardson Journals

And my most recent book called The Butterfly Effect is on poetizer.

3) Where do you draw your inspiration from for the stories that you manage to weave together and the characters that you create?

What better way to tell a narrative than by using my own experiences? I get my inspiration from the people, places, and things around me.

4) Do you have a schedule for when you write? Do you outline your novels? How long does it generally take you to finish a novel? What projects are you currently working on?

I prefer to write whenever I have some downtime at work or during my breaks. I also enjoy writing on the weekends while I go to the park or am just sitting outside. I’ve never written a novel, but if I did, I’d prepare an outline first. I could probably finish a novel in around a year since it only took me three to six months to compose my collection of poems. I’m now writing on a poem book, a devotional book, and a novel about self-care.

5) What’s the first book you ever read that really moved you emotionally? Who is your favorite author to read? What book are you currently reading?

That’s a challenging question because I’ve read so many inspiring novels!

Like Water for Chocolate was the first novel I ever read that actually affected me. Because it made connections between being responsible, demonstrating compassion and patience, enjoying food and cooking, and preserving traditions, I adored this book. Stephen King is the author whose books I love to read the most. I’m reading Delia Owens’ “Where the Crawdads Sing” at the moment.

6) What has been your most significant achievement as a writer thus far? Where do you see yourself within your career in the next five years?

My debut poetry book’s publication is my biggest literary accomplishment to date. I also like reading my poem in front of a crowd of like-minded people. I imagine participating in an Oprah Winfrey book club. Additionally, I picture myself as a full-time author with a well-known brand who makes a steady living from writing books.

7) How have you dealt with rejection within your writing career? What is your advice for other writers to better be able to cope or navigate their way through the publishing process, be it traditional or self-publishing?

I believe that some rejection or criticism is healthy since it strengthens your character. I am aware that not everyone will enjoy my work, but it doesn’t mean I should give up when I get a negative response. In order to cope with rejection, I often remember not to take it personally and simply feel that it is a learning experience that I can share with one of my close friends. I would advise writers to never give up lightly and surround themselves with positive people so they can help them learn from rejection.

8) Do you find it hard to juggle the creative side of being a writer against the business side of being a writer, in terms of marketing and promotion and things of that nature? How hard has it been (or easy) for you to build up your author platform?

It is challenging to balance both aspects of life as an author because this is a whole new route for me. While developing my author platform hasn’t been simple either, it has been strategic and successful thanks too Poetizer Publishing.

9) So many writers say that they hate reading their own work. Do you ever enjoy reading your own work back to yourself after it’s out there for the rest of the world?

I truly like to read my own writing aloud to make sure I’m satisfied with it before publishing it, and I also appreciate going back to check it out after it’s been seen by others. I suppose reading it made me feel successful.

10) Do you believe that there is ever a point in life where it’s too late for an aspiring writer to become successful in this industry? Do you feel a late start would hinder their chances?

I firmly believe that anyone can start writing at any time, especially if you are passionate about it. I think you should pursue your interests whenever and wherever you want. I don’t believe that starting later will reduce your chances of success; starting right away is the best course of action.

11) I feel like writing is a remarkable tool to help people not only express themselves, but also to cope emotionally and mentally. I know for me I write to be and feel more authentic. What unique quality is there about you, about your art, that you feel represents your authenticity? How does writing help you to be more empowered in your purpose?

My writing is authentic and open. People have told me that they can relate to and feel my words when they read my book because it reads like we are speaking in person. God didn’t give you a gift or talent for nothing; when he tells you to accomplish something, you do it.